Jonathan McKinstry

Jonathan McKinstry

Jonathan McKinstry attends Project Ability‘s Aspire programme.

Jonathan creates his paintings with flatly applied colour, often in thick oil-slick strokes with a sketchiness and air of caricature. These paintings, made with haste but certainly not unconsidered, are a remarkable balancing act of picture-making and gesture. He is inspired by comic books, films and pop culture as well as landscapes and animals, and enjoys large scale painting and murals.

Jonathan’s work is pleasurable with a dark edge; it’s lush but laid bare, it contains the pictorial rules of associated traditional landscape painting but also breaks them, it is unpolished but also with a stunning delicacy of touch, it is fascinating but also diverting – and that is no mean feat.

Jonathan McKinstry represented Project Ability with a solo exhibition in our gallery for the 2024 Glasgow International Festival! You can read more about it on our online exhibition page: I like things I remember.

Jonathan 's Work
