Simon McAuley

Simon McAuley attends Project Ability’s ReConnect programme.

Simon McAuley demonstrates a reworking of painting and drawing’s conventions at their most radically reduced. In the artist’s own words, it is apparent that he is an artist who undertakes an uninterrupted personal investigation testing material and conceptual possibilities of his work with a straightforward attitude of “learning as you go along”. The prospect or outcome of his practice remains an open question; answerable only through the production of new works. His influences include concrete poetry, and artists Gerhard Richter and Claude Monet particularly in the way they handle light.

“My current practice is focused on oil painting and has been for some months. This has been an extended period of painting, which surpasses in time and scope, my previous efforts using this medium. Not only am I investigating and exploring these traditional materials, I am encountering histories, references and theory, which have pertinence to my paintings. In my work, I pursue a personal investigation at a reductive level; following strands of enquiry into materials and theoretical approach. An overall view of my practice demonstrates landscape and the period of late modernity as interests and considerations. A lot of my work has an allusion to landscape, and in that sense exhibits traditional traits. However, I commence a project with a radically reductive approach; which corresponds with my interest in the phase of late modernity.”
Simon McAuley, January 2013

Simon 's Work
