Over 50 artists come together to address the climate crisis
In an open call for our Christmas exhibition, we invited artistic responses to the climate emergency. The Time is Now reflects artists’ climate hopes, dreams and fears.
Studies of wildlife reveal aspects of the world our artists’ cherish and hope to protect, with portraits of red pandas, polar bears, wild cats and penguins.
Through landscapes, some artists have imagined a utopia where nature flourishes, whilst others show the realities the world faces now – with scenes of forest fires expressing urgency.
Amongst the nature studies and landscapes, there are abstract pieces that anxiously ponder the future, and celebrate the power of collective action.
Over 50 artists will exhibit their climate-themed artwork in our gallery. Our hope is that the show will inspire visitors to continue to learn and speak out on environmental issues – the time is now.
Most of the artwork is for sale, with profits split evenly between Project Ability and the artists.
Featured image: “After the Fire there is Always Hope” by Mhairi MacDonald
The Time Is Now at Project Ability
Artworks Gallery
The Time Is Now - John Heath from Newton Dee - Lightning and Thunder
The Time Is Now - Tanya Raabe Webber - Climatic Change
The Time Is Now - Tanya Raabe Webber - we look we see we smell the world around us
The Time Is Now - Gallery - Ruth Mutch
The Time Is Now - Ruth Mutch - Jacques Cousteau
The Time Is Now - Ruth Mutch - David Attenborough
COP26 Jane Goodall postcard by Ruth Mutch
Jane Goodall
The Time Is Now - Ruth Mutch - Greta Thunberg
The Time Is Now - Steven Hardy from Darlington - Movement of People 01
The Time Is Now - Malin Karlsson from Inuti - The End of Convenience Is Upon Us
The Time Is Now - Joseph Sharpe - Rabbit
The Time Is Now - Judith Abubakar - Two Parrots
The Time Is Now - Polly Burnett - Untitled
The Time Is Now - Struan Robb - Pause for Thought
The Time Is Now - John Cocozza - Red Panda
The Time Is Now - Peter Johnston - The Kelpies
The Time Is Now - Marina Devlin - The Wild
The Time Is Now - Laura Lovin - Extinctions and Weather Update
Based on a the "Diagram of Meteorology. Displaying the Various Phenomena of the Atmosphere" by John Emslie, 1846
25. Private jet aircraft,
26. Deep water oil and gas extraction platform,
27. Container ship fuelled by liquified natural gas,
28. Hydraulic fracturing site,
29. Monoculture farming site,
30. Kākāpō or owl parrot (Strigops hebroptilus), critically endangered due to deforestation, habitat loss and predation. Recently experiencing a reproductive boost due to rising temperatures associated with climate change,
31. Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), endangered due to environmental change including habitat loss, chemical pollution, noise pollution from drilling, oil spills, and reduced prey abundance. Essential to carbon-dioxide sequestration in marine environments,
32. Ceratozamia robusta (unknown common name), endangered due to habitat loss,
33. Humans (homo sapiens), endangered due to habitat loss, displacement, pollution, and predation. Simultaneously engaged in deforestation, deep water oil and gas extraction, hydraulic fracturing, monoculture farming, predatory economics as well as in reforestation, carbon sequestering on the ground, and climate justice actions.
The Time Is Now - Katy Barton - In The Forest
The Time Is Now - Susan Mack - How Long Till It's All Gone - Acrylic Painting
The Time Is Now - Susan Mack - Too Late Our Choices - Acrylic Painting.
The Time Is Now - Susan Mack - The Abyss of the Future - Acrylic Painting
The Time Is Now - John McNaught - Glasgow Tolbooth
The Time Is Now - John McNaught - Untitled
The Time Is Now - Grant Glennie - Glasgow Interconnected 1
The Time Is Now - Helen Birnbaum - Terra Firma Leaky Boat
The Time Is Now - John Paul Donnelly - Untitle I 1
The Time Is Now - John Heath from Newton Dee - How Rain Is Made
The Time Is Now - John Cocozza - Save Our Seas
The Time Is Now - Jennifer Smith from Darlington - Elephants
The Time Is Now - Kathleen Crilly - Fractured Contours
The Time Is Now - Joseph Sharpe - Vase of Hope
The Time Is Now - Erin Keogh - The Green Goddess
The Time Is Now - Edward Henry - Poison Dart Frog
The Time Is Now - Dylan MacKenzie - The Tides will Heave and Turn
The Time Is Now - Gary Turner - The City of Trees
The Time Is Now - Ian Bruin - Untitled
The Time Is Now - Fiona Donald - self portrait on the allotment - sustainable living
The Time Is Now - Edward Henry - Two Birds
The Time Is Now - Doreen Kay - Lady Butterfly
The Time Is Now - Dianne Mears - Evolution.2020
The Time Is Now - DeniseAdams from Darlington - AbandonShip
The Time Is Now - Anne Smith from Darlington Fox
The Time Is Now - Cameron Morgan - In the WIld Cat
The Time Is Now - Anna Russell - Wild Animal
The Time Is Now - Alan McGillveray - Untitled triptych
The Time Is Now - 'Greta Langstrump-Climate strike' by Kristina Marqvardt from Inuti
The Time Is Now - Melissa Paton - Cabin In The Woods
Raffle painting 2020 - 4 Rabbit, Bicycle and Windfarms - Scott Smith -25x30cm unframed - Jim will frame it if we use it
Scott Smith Mountain Bike
The Time Is Now - Mhairi Macdonald - After the Fire There's Always Hope
The Time Is Now - Marina Devlin- In the Garden II
The Time Is Now - Christopher Newman - SMOG
The Time Is Now - Christopher Newman - The Fires
The Time Is Now - Coltrane Brady - Bird of Paradise
The Time Is Now - Alan Dott - Wind and Solar Power
The Time Is Now - Steven Reilly - A Lady Butterfly
The Time Is Now - Joyce Davies - flying into the abyss the destruction of our feathered friends
The Time Is Now - Joseph Sharpe - Sky Fox
The Time Is Now - Alan Dott - Woodlands
The Time Is Now - Tommy Mason - A Bird
The Time Is Now - Tommy Kemp - Australian Wildfires
Tommy Kemp My Street in the Green Future
The Time Is Now - Catherine Rankine - Parrot
The Time Is Now - Catherine Rankine - Seal
The Time Is Now - Cheryl Hickman from Prism Arts -Badger_smallres
The Time Is Now - Michael Draper - Untitled Landscape with Wind Farm
The Time Is Now - Rachel Hook - untitled
The Time Is Now - Andrew Crosbie - The Great Barrier Reef
Joseph Sharpe - Parrot with Flowers
The Time Is Now - John McNaught - Duke of Wellington
The Time Is Now - Sarah Dalzell and Rosie Snaith - All That's Left Is Plastic
The Time Is Now - Gallery - Paul Rankine
The Time Is Now - Jack Woodlock - Climate Grinch
The Time Is Now - MT Clements - Avoiding rising sea levels
The Time Is Now - MT Clements - Green spaces improves air quality
The Time Is Now - MT Clements - Recycling Preserves the Environment
The Time Is Now - Lisbet Hemse from Inuti - Merry Christmas Earth
The Time Is Now - Flannery O'Kafka - The One You Love Is Sick
The Time Is Now - Celine Mcilmunn - Chart Correction- Inchmarnock Water
The Time Is Now - Andrew Crosbie - Madeira Monarch Butterfly
Almost every artwork is available to purchase!
Drop us an email or give us a ring if you are interested:
info@project-ability.co.uk || 0141 552 2822
Exhibiting artists
Alan Dott, Alan McGillveray, Andrew Crosbie, Anna Russell, Anne Smith, Cameron Morgan, Catherine Rankin, Celine Mcilmunn, Cheryl Hick, Christopher Newman, Coltrane Brady, Denise Adams, Dianne Mears, Doreen Kay, Dylan Mackenzie, Edward Henry, Erin Keogh, Fiona Donald, Flannery O’Kafka, Gary Turner, Grant Glennie, Helen Birnbaum, Ian Bruin, Jack Woodlock, Jahre Tasfia Reza, Jennifer Smith, John Cocozza, John Heath, John McNaught, John Paul Donnelly, Joseph Sharp, Joyce Davies, Judith Abubakar, Kathleen Crilly, Katy Barton, Kristina Marqvardt, Laura Lovin, Lisbet Hemse, Malin Karlsson, Marina Devlin, M T Clements, Melissa Paton, Mhairi Macdonald, Michael Draper, Paul Rankin, Peter Johnston, Polly Burnett, Rachel Hook, Roddy Woods, Rosie Snaith, Ruth Mutch, Sarah Dalzell, Steven Hardy, Steven Reilly, Struan Robb, Susan Mack, Tanya Raabe-Webber, Tommy Kemp, Tommy Mason