I can’t help it, I like art

Dates: 31 October, 2023 - 4 November, 2023
Reception: 30 October, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Project Ability Gallery, 1st Floor T103
Admission: Free

I can’t help it, I like art

I can’t help it, I like art

We are delighted to announce that LUSH are exhibiting their ‘I can’t help it I like art’ knot wrap exhibition at Project Ability ahead of the grand opening of their new Glasgow Flagship store.

I Can’t Help It, I Like Art is an exhibition celebrating Knot Wraps and the talented designers and artists who created them. Every Lush gift collection includes designs and artwork from a variety of voices and from as many backgrounds as possible.

Lush believes that all artists should have a platform to showcase their work.

This exhibition celebrates the work of the artists who have had a hand in creating this vast collection. Lush also hopes to inspire visitors to become passionate advocates for the art of Knot Wrapping, passing forward the tradition to others.

Lush and Project Ability have teamed up to offer a free screen printing workshop on the last day of their exhibition (Saturday 4th November). More info here!
