‘Thoughts from the studio’ – News from inside our ReConnect Studio.
Morag, who has worked in our ReConnect studio for many years now, will be bringing a new exciting strand to the News section on our website. These posts will all be written by Morag or one of her fellow artists within ReConnect. We hope to give you as a reader a unique perspective of what it’s like to work in the Project Ability studio, as well as gaining an insight in to projects, trips and events that the group often partake in. Now over to Morag….
My name is Morag and I have been with Project Ability for over ten years. During this time I’ve been involved in many classes and projects. I have gone on trips and worked with partner organisations through Project Ability. I enjoy printmaking, textile work and am often inspired by popular culture.
This week I have been in the studio on Wednesday and the gallery on Thursday. At the moment I am working on making kites for a project that combines arts, crafts and the outdoors. A small group has been building different types of kites with the plan to film their flight. I have been working on two different kites; one is a kit kite that I have decorated myself and the other is a hand built one with led lights that is designed to look like a skateboard from an anime that I like. On Thursday I was invigilating in the Project Ability gallery and shop, this was a very exciting experience as I had not been in to do this since before Covid in February 2020, almost two and a half years ago!
We hope you’ll follow along with ‘Thoughts from the studio’ and get to know some of our regular ReConnect artists.