Project Ability was in Prague for the Conquering Public Spaces International Conference



Prague is a beautiful city – in mid-November it was cold with brilliant blue skies and blinding sunshine. Check out artist Steven Reilly in his shades!

We were in Prague at the invitation of the film and media organisation Inventura to deliver a presentation about Project Ability, our practice and our success at promoting artists with disabilities within a contemporary arts market to the “Conquering Public Spaces” International Conference as part of the 6th annual “Normal Festival”.

We were joined by colleagues from Europe, Israel and Australia and a large number of organisations from England. Some organisations we already knew and had worked with on previous occasions such as Brighton based Carousel who manage the Oska Bright Film Festival while many more were new to us. Also from Brighton were the Rocket Artists who we have been making plans with to collaborate on a project in 2012 (watch this space!) and Arty Party from the West Midlands who screened their fantastic animation “Let me in” and who have been working with artist Tanya Raabe.

The conference focussed on how people with disabilities were using film and media to express themselves and claim their right to be heard in today’s society. It also included representation from organisations working in dance, theatre, performance, music and the visual arts.

The conference was held in Prague’s magnificent Central Library and Project Ability artists Valerie O’Regan and Steven Reilly set up in the foyer and delivered a drop-in collage workshop on the theme of “space: the final frontier”.




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