How to book a workshop

An artist considers the progress of their painting. It has a rich red background with the outlines of different creatures and leaves. Some have been filled in with blue and yellow pastels.

How to book a visual arts workshop at Project Ability

Thank you for your interest in attending one of the workshops at Project Ability.

  • Register your interest in a class by emailing our administrator at
  • You will be added to our mailing list. Booking forms will be sent out to the whole mailing list several weeks before the new class starting.
  • The booking form allows you to select your preferred time slot, depending on which class you book, see the dates section below for more details on this.
  • The booking form also has all the details on how to make your payment.
  • Booking forms can be sent out and returned by either email or post, whichever is easiest.
  • Once we have received your completed form and payment we will be in touch to confirm your place.



The next block of Aspire workshops will start on Monday 13th January 2025. Classes run for a 10 week block and cost £110 per block. Read more about Aspire.


The next block of ReConnect workshops will start on Tuesday 14th January 2025. Classes run for a 10 week block and cost £110 per block. Read more about ReConnect.

Create /Art Matters

The next block of Create and Art Matters workshops will begin on the Saturday 25th January 2025.

Create is for children and young adults with disabilities aged 8 – 25.

Art Matters is for young disabled artists aged 18 -28.

All classes are on a Saturday. There is a sliding scale for attendees to pay £90-£180. Read more about Create.


To book please call 0141 552 2822 or email for a booking form. 

Please note, all classes are filled up on a first come first serve basis so it is advisable to get your booking form back quickly to avoid disappointment for your preferred time slot.
