
Images of colourful anime characters are projected onto a canvas. An artist is sketching outlines from the projection onto the canvas.

ReConnect is an open studio for people with lived experience of mental ill health. Workshops are delivered annually in four, ten-week terms.

Taking part gives you access to materials; professional production facilities for print making, ceramics and painting studios; and the opportunity to be part of a community of likeminded people.

Artwork can be exhibited in our gallery and online, and through our standing in the art world we receive invitations to contribute to artistic programmes in the UK and further.

We work with community groups both locally, in Glasgow, and nationally, in Scotland, to develop individually designed projects which allow people across Scotland to benefit from our expertise without having to travel into the centre of Glasgow.

Next block of ReConnect workshops

We are currently accepting applications for the next block of ReConnect workshops which will commence on Tuesday 14th January 2025.

Workshops run for blocks of 10 weeks and cost £110.

Sessions are available Tuesday – Friday, , during the following time slots:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
12:00 – 15:00 12:00 – 15:00 12:00 – 15:00 12:00 – 15:00

Find out more on how to book a workshop here.
