E x h i b i t i o n : 8 M a r c h – 2 7 A p r i l
R e c e p t i o n : 7 M a r c h , 6 – 8 p m
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“We speak when we are awake and we speak in our dreams . We are always speaking even when we do not utter a single word aloud …. we encounter language everywhere”. Heidegger. M (1975)
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Project Ability is pleased to present an intriguing body of new collage work by Glasgow based artist Pum. Earth Echo Affective Reflection is a solo exhibition accompanied by a sound piece composed and created by Pum and Gordon Kennedy.
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“The Earth Echo collaged imagery meditates upon a 21st century worldview and questions its perspectives. In particular our unquestioning use of new digital media. Technologies which operate in unseen dimensions and translate visceral communications into digits and electrical current. The invisible ellipsis which fragments the sentient sense. The ever prevalent language of science and its insistence on measuring and comparing areas of existence that are immeasurable.
Pum’s collage language is a metalanguage. It is a language about languages. It mixes modalities. It speaks by showing its silent conspiracy with a matrix of visual narratives. It collapses perspectives and disturbs vision just enough to catch the reflections in the act of Seeing.” Pum
*Heidegger.M (1975)( 1959) “Language”(lecture given in October 7th 1950)
In Hofstadter. A (Trans) Poetry, Language, Thought . New York: Harper & Row Publishers (pp189 -210)
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A special thanks to Wild Island Botanic Gin, Isle of Colonsay, for their generous donation of their Sacred Tree gin for the reception.
Our 2019 exhibition programme is in part sponsored by Mitchells Roberton and Culture & Business Fund Scotland