Opportunities – Board Members

Sandra leaning over a desk where an artist is sat drawing

Board Members

Project Ability is seeking new Board Members with expertise in business development, social or commercial housing, charity and/or property law and governance.

Is this you? Read on and apply.

Project Ability creates opportunities through inclusive art and provides a professional, welcoming and safe environment for people of all ages with disabilities and mental ill health to engage with visual art.

Board Member Roles

Project Ability currently has a Board of 8 directors and is looking to strengthen the Board with the addition of new directors in the following roles:

  • Strategic Business Development and/or Business Information Processes

You are likely to be in a senior business development role, or successfully developed your own business, or from a data design & technology background. You will have a good understanding  of developing strategy, generating income and be adept at business networking. Alternatively, you can offer guidance on best business process and digital practices.

  • Property management, contracts, and factoring

To assist us with present accommodation challenges, with experience in either social or commercial housing, you will be able to advise us on our tenancy rights, factoring costs and have knowledge of rental charges and markets

  • Legal adviser

Preferably with experience on charity and /or property law, or able to point us in the right direction on a range of business, property and contractual issues

  • Board Chair

To take over the leadership role for the Board, later in the year, you will have good governance knowledge, experience in chairing meetings and leadership skills

Project Ability is a Company Limited by Guarantee, and has Scottish Charity status SC005226. As a Board Member you will be a Director of the Company and a charity trustee, with a legal responsibility for overseeing its direction and policy, and for ensuring it operates within the law, meeting legal and financial requirements, and continues to fulfil its charitable purposes. Additionally, you will use your specific knowledge or experience, to help the Board reach sound decisions, identify key issues and provide guidance on new initiatives.


Our Board meets six times a year at Trongate 103 and has a number of online sub-committees which Board members are encouraged to attend one or two groups.

We are keen to find people who are willing to give the necessary time and effort, to take part in meetings and events, and who are open to excellence in learning, development and training – both for themselves and others. This is a great opportunity if you would like to contribute to developing art opportunities for people with disabilities and mental ill health, as well as gaining professional Board experience.

We are keen to create a more diverse Board to reflect the backgrounds of our participating artists and would like to encourage applications from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities

Next Steps

Please click here for Recruitment Information and the Application Form.

If you would like to find out more and/or to return a completed application form, please contact / send to Elisabeth Gibson at: director@project-ability.co.uk

Closing date: 12 noon on Friday 14th March 2025.
