Artwork of the week – ‘Saber-Tooth Tiger from the Ice Age’ by Steven Reilly

Sabretooth Tiger (2017)

RAWR! This week we bring you this colourful Saber-Tooth tiger as our Artwork of the Week. Painted by the very talented Steven Reilly, ‘Saber-Tooth Tiger from the Ice Age’ is a brilliant portrait of this now extinct creature. You can see this painting on exhibition, along with many other large scale canvases by many Project Ability Aspire artists, at Platform, The Bridge, in Easterhouse. It is our Annual Aspire at Platform exhibition, and as usual, it doesn’t disappoint.

This painting by Steven, who is an artist working in our Aspire programme, is one of his latest artworks, and we are very pleased he finsihed it in time to be included in the show. Steven’s work is colourful, happy and always a joy to look at. His personality matches the bright playfulness of his paintings and we are lucky to have him in the workshops here at Project Ability. Steven also volunteers in our gallery on a regular basis and helps to run out-reach workshops with some of our tutors.

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