Meet the Volunteers – Corah Ambrose

Volunteer Corah Ambrose with young artist

Our volunteers are a vital part of our organisation, and it’s always a pleasure to get the public to know them a bit better! In today’s Meet the Volunteers, let us introduce you to the fantastic Corah Ambrose, who has been supporting our youngest artists in our Create workshops.

Are you a graduate or undergraduate artist? Can you tell us what course you are on, or a little about your art practice?
I recently graduated from the sculpture and environmental art course at GSA. My practice primarily revolves around ideas of play and experimentation, often resulting as kinetic sculpture and costume.

In what workshop did you volunteer?
I volunteered with the Saturday morning Create group.

Why did you apply to volunteer at Project Ability?
From what I had previously known about Project Ability, becoming a volunteer sounded like something I would really enjoy and also be a good fit for. I enjoy being around people in a creative way and helping to facilitate that process. I was particularly drawn to Project Ability because of the platform it gives to artists with a range of abilities and the support it provides.

Did your experience live up to your expectations?
I started out with a very open mind about what the volunteer experience might mean and bring, I expected to really enjoy the process and I have! I look forward to Saturday mornings and it will be a shame to leave the group at the end of the workshop block.
I don’t think I fully expected to see the extent to which the class would make a difference to individuals, not just in their art work but also their confidence. Watching people’s comfort and confidence grow throughout the weeks has been amazing and rewarding for all.

Volunteer Corah Ambrose supporting young artist

What have you learned from your experience with us?
I have learned how to be more flexible when working with a group of young people as well as be able to identify individuals interests/strengths in order to help them get the most out of a project, session or piece of work.

Volunteer Corah Ambrose supporting young artist

Would you recommend others to volunteer with us?
I would always recommend others to volunteer with Project Ability. The tutors and young artists I have had the pleasure to be around have truly made this a wonderful experience.

Many thanks, Corah!

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